Remote Fellowship Program

The John Carter Brown Library offers a remote option for our short-term fellowship sponsored researchers.  Having piloted a remote fellowship in 2020-21in response to the unprecedented challenges, the JCB staff has assessed the provision of support to fellows in residence and remote and is working to create intellectual community as well as research support in this hybrid mode.

The JCB’s librarians and curatorial staff provide individualized attention for both remote and in residence fellows, and collaboration sessions around special JCB materials, seminars and workshops will all be provided in a hybrid format.   

Applicants anticipating a remote fellowship should consider the following.  While extensive digitization work over the past decade has already enabled scholars the world over to consult our collection – in high resolution – at a distance, some of our materials have not yet been digitized.  The ability to digitize materials requested by our remote fellows depends on several factors, including the physical characteristics and condition of the item, available cataloging and metadata, and the capacity of our digitization equipment and staff.